Jon Oliva's Pain

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Re: The Tage

Post by Jussi »

Voi pyhä isä, että (parhaillaan euroja rundaavan) TSO:n "tuleviin" merkityistä projekteista alempi kiinnostaisi, kahdesta 'Tageen liittyvästä!
Wiki wrote:Upcoming Albums
Romanov: When Kings Must Whisper

Based on the 1917 Russian Revolution with the music written primarily by Paul O'Neill, Jon Oliva and Bob Kinkel, this album began its life in 1993 with the intention of it being TSO's debut album. It is being worked on currently with no official release date scheduled, though Oliva has stated that it will be released sometime in 2014.[54] Though it was originally intended as the first TSO release, it was sold to Pace Theatrical Group for development as a Broadway musical.[55] Pace paid for the rights to the story for six years before rights reverted to O'Neill and Oliva. According to Oliva, "It’s a very dark, dark album, but there’s some good music and a good story on it."

"Winter Palace", a song included on their 2012 Dreams of Fireflies (On a Christmas Night) EP, is the first song released from this forthcoming project. "Time You Should be Sleeping", also from this EP, is a song that was part of the original Romanov demos in 1993, though it is not yet known if this new recording of it will be on the final released recording.

Gutter Ballet And The New York City Blues Express

A project currently in development, though no release date has been set. According to Oliva, "It’s the Savatage album Streets: A Rock Opera story with some songs from Gutter Ballet, a couple songs taken out from "Streets" replaced with ones from "Gutter", and a couple from Handful of Rain. And the stories are altered."

Beginning with the 2010 Fall/Winter tour, TSO has been featuring songs from this project in each of their tours. A medley included "Sleep", originally a song from Savatage from their 1993 Edge of Thorns release, and a new song entitled "Child Unseen". Also often included in the medley is a portion of The Beatles' "Help". The 2011 and 2012 Fall/Winter Tours featured Kayla Reeves and Dari Mahnic performing another new song from this forthcoming "Gutter Ballet" project entitled "Someday". The studio version of this "Someday" was released on the 2012 Dreams of Fireflies (On a Christmas Night) EP with Tim Hockenberry on vocals. During the 2012 Spring tour, vocalist Rob Evan performed "A Little Too Far" from the Streets: A Rock Opera album during radio appearances.
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Re: 'Tage palaa!

Post by Jussi »

Siitä on huhuttu, mutta tänään: Sa-va-tage Wackeniin 2015. Niin miekin (teen comebackin)! Trans-Siberian Orchestra messissä, mutta senhän mie näin New Jerseyssä joulun alla 2008.

Eipä tuolla ekan linkin PPU:ssakaan haittaisi olla ensi kuussa Atlantassa, kun JOP soittaa Streetsini kokonaan ja huhujen mukaan myös Chris Caffery liittyy remmiin.
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Re: Jon Oliva's Pain

Post by Traktor X »

Huhhuh. Sinne! 2004 edellisen kerran Wackenissa enkä hirveesti diggailu festarista, mut pakko kai sinne on mennä nyt.
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Re: Jon Oliva's Pain

Post by Esanssi »

Wackeeeeeeeeeen!!! Jumalauta!!!

Nyt vain kiinnostaa, että ketä Savatagen riveissä oikein soittaa. Damond Jiniyaa tuskin nähdään, mutta kai se sitten on Oliva-Stevens-Pitrelli-Caffery-Middleton-Plate.

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Re: Jon Oliva's Pain

Post by sph »

Taitaa olla hyvä tekosyy käydä katsomassa miltä Wacken näyttää. Itselläni on henkilökohtaisia traumoja, kun lokakuulle 2001 oli hoidettu liput, lennot ja majoitus Lontooseen katsomaan Savatagea (lämmittelijänä Symphony X), mutta syyskuussa tapahtui jotain, jota jenkkibändit pelästyivät, ja eurokiertue peruttiin. Seuraavana vuonna bändi jäikin jäihin eikä uutta mahdollisuutta koskaan tullut. Nyt saattaisi saada traumat vihdoinkin parannettua.

Isot kysymykset mielessä ovat kokoonpano ja setin pituus. Savatagen jantterien muut projektit ovat viime aikoina soitelleet niin paljon Savatagea, mm. Circle II Circle koko Edge Of Thornsia ja The Wake Of Magellania, että mitään puolivillaista esitystä ei kyllä kelpuuteta. Trans-Siberian Orchestran myötä paikalla on todennäköisesti keskeisin porukka Savatagen viimeisistä aktiivista vuosista, ja jos vielä Zakin saisi vaikkapa kiinnittämällä CIIC:n jos ei muuten.

Ottaen huomioon miten upea lyhyt JOP-keikka oli Tuskassa 2009 voi vain kuvitella kuinka riekaleina olisi kunnon kaksituntisesta Savatage-setistä...
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Re: 'TAGE 2015!

Post by Jussi »

sph wrote:Taitaa olla hyvä tekosyy käydä katsomassa miltä Wacken näyttää. Itselläni on henkilökohtaisia traumoja, kun lokakuulle 2001 oli hoidettu liput, lennot ja majoitus Lontooseen katsomaan Savatagea (lämmittelijänä Symphony X), mutta syyskuussa tapahtui jotain, jota jenkkibändit pelästyivät, ja eurokiertue peruttiin. Seuraavana vuonna bändi jäikin jäihin eikä uutta mahdollisuutta koskaan tullut. Nyt saattaisi saada traumat vihdoinkin parannettua.
Eivätkö ne kuitenkin 2002 tulleet ainakin Wackeniin "jäistä", kun Mape tuolla(kin) keikalla facen puolella leuhotti :) Jack Frost oli muuten siinä vaiheessa MD:iin hypänneen Al Pitrellin tilalla.
sph wrote:Isot kysymykset mielessä ovat kokoonpano ja setin pituus. Savatagen jantterien muut projektit ovat viime aikoina soitelleet niin paljon Savatagea, mm. Circle II Circle koko Edge Of Thornsia ja The Wake Of Magellania, että mitään puolivillaista esitystä ei kyllä kelpuuteta. Trans-Siberian Orchestran myötä paikalla on todennäköisesti keskeisin porukka Savatagen viimeisistä aktiivista vuosista, ja jos vielä Zakin saisi vaikkapa kiinnittämällä CIIC:n jos ei muuten.
Älä tosiaan unohda merkittävintä, Jon Oliva's Pain vetämässä Streetsiä kokonaan. Sieltä toivon W.A.S.Pin (maailman toisen kaikkein merkittävimmän teemalevyn) The Crimson Idolin tapaista mukavan kokoista lohkaisua settiin, kun tietyt hitit (1983, 1987-89 nimibiisit, balladit, jne) ovat itsestäänselvyyksiä.
sph wrote:Ottaen huomioon miten upea lyhyt JOP-keikka oli Tuskassa 2009 voi vain kuvitella kuinka riekaleina olisi kunnon kaksituntisesta Savatage-setistä...
Totta, ja tämän vuoksi mietinkin, tarviiko Stevensiä tai varsinkaan mitään Jiniyaa. Eikö Jon itsekin pysty tuon setin vetämään jakkaraltaan?

Liput (3 kpl) ostettiin aamukahveilla, vuoden päästä sitten Savatage-reunion, mihin en uskonut kun eräskin festivaalipromoottori sellaisen mahdollisuuden perään mietiskeli pari vuotta sitten... Eei, ei, tässä maailmassa taida tulla enää sellaista :D
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Re: Jon Oliva's Pain

Post by Tintti »

Perkeleen exclusive taas. Olisivat nyt voineet todeta, että toi paska myy ittensä kuitenkin jo ennen joulua loppuun niin tarvi moisia pistää...
sph wrote:
Ottaen huomioon miten upea lyhyt JOP-keikka oli Tuskassa 2009 voi vain kuvitella kuinka riekaleina olisi kunnon kaksituntisesta Savatage-setistä...
No tämä. Itsehän en edes ole kovin kummoinen JOP/Savatage fanittaja, mutta tämä Tuska 2009 oli kyllä niin uskomattoman tunteikas ja säväyttävä keikka (hitto, festarivetona etenkin), että jos tuon finskeihin saisivat niin ei tarvisi arpoa onko liian hintava. Tuli itselle silloin tunnevyöryt semipuskista, nyt olisi upeaa kunnon etukäteispaneutumisella valmistautua pidempään keikkaan.

(Niinjuu ja tuokin tosiaan oli 2009. Yleisen linjan vastaisesti ei itkettävää siinä Tuska-vuodessa minulle, kun pääsin tän megayllärikokemuksen lisäksi viimein näkemään mm. kovasti odotetut suikkarit, pestilencen, my dying briden, neurosiksen ja gojiran ekaa kertaa.)
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Re: Jon Oliva's Pain

Post by Judez »

Enpä olisi uskonut enää Savatage-reunioniin, mutta onneksi tuo onnistuu vielä kun Jonillakin henki pihisee (en tiedä missä kondiksessa hän on viimeisen vuoden aikana ollut). Oletan että kokoonpano on juuri jotain Oliva-Stevens-Pitrelli-Caffery-Middleton-Plate suuntaista, sillä ei kai muuten tätä reunioniksi kutsuttaisi, Stevensin Zak saattaa vielä toki olla kehissä kans.
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Re: Jon Oliva's Pain

Post by Jussi »

Lainattuja sanoja:
Classic American metal band SAVATAGE, which was active from 1978 until 2002, will reunite for an exclusive European appearance at next year's edition of the Wacken Open Air festival, set to take place July 30 - August 1, 2015 in Wacken, Germany. Also scheduled to appear at the event is TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA, the project founded by SAVATAGE mastermind Jon Oliva and producer/composer Paul O'Neill.

SAVATAGE guitarist Chris Caffery wrote on his Facebook page: "Our friends at the Wacken festival announced that SAVATAGE will be finally playing again! Wacken 2015! Both SAVATAGE and the TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA will make an appearance. SAVATAGE will close the festival that night following TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA's first-ever European festival appearance."

He added: "I have been waiting for them to announce this for a few weeks. It was hard to keep it a secret! Yes, legion, our patience has finally paid off."
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Re: Jon Oliva's Pain

Post by Sabbathman »

Asiat etenee hiljalleen...

JON OLIVA Wants To 'Get In Shape' And 'Knock People Out' At SAVATAGE Reunion

December 25, 2014 ... e-reunion/

Classic American metal band SAVATAGE, which was active from 1978 until 2002, will reunite for an exclusive European appearance at next year's edition of the Wacken Open Air festival, set to take place July 30 - August 1, 2015 in Wacken, Germany.

'We're going to do the Wacken thing, but let's just wait until the [TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA] winter tour is over and then you and me we're going to sit down in January and discuss what we're going to do.'"

"We know we're going to start with 'Gutter Ballet'; that's all we agreed on."

"I think we're going to do a press release in maybe February or March about what's going on and stuff like that."

Oliva added: "I've been on this health kick now for the last six months. I've dropped a bunch of weight and I'm feeling a lot better. I've still got a ways to go, but it gives me something. I'm, like, yeah, I'm going to get in shape for this and knock people out."

Oliva also spoke about the current status of his project JON OLIVA'S PAIN: "I've got an album that is about 95 percent written and demoed up. I purposely am taking my time with this, because it's a very heavy record. I want to just make sure that every song is a 10; I don't want any filler songs on there."
Last edited by Sabbathman on Thu Jul 28, 2016 6:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jon Oliva's Pain

Post by Judez »

Hieno juttu, olihan Jon jo sairaalloisen lihavassa kunnossa aiemmin (kävely oli keikalla vaikeaa ja kävelykeppiin piti jo turvautua). Nyt kun katsoo syksyn ProgPowerin vetoja niin johan tuo käppäilee jo lavallakin, asiaa!

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Re: Jon Oliva's Pain

Post by gabriel »

Jospa se tekee Loirit. Olishan se kyllä täällä Suomessakin kiva vielä nähä.
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Re: Jon Oliva's Pain

Post by HeadCrusher »

Uutta Circle II Circle levyä tulossa taas lokakuussa: ... ober-16th/

Toivottavasti saavat vihdoin soundit kohdalleen, viime levyjen soundit eivät nimittäin toimineet.
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Re: Jon Oliva's Pain

Post by HeadCrusher »


Siitä uusi CIIC biisi Victim Of The Night. Kuulostaapas erittäin hyvältä, soundeissa olisi parannettavaa, mutta sentään viime levystä on parannettu.
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Re: Jon Oliva's Pain

Post by Sabbathman »

Voimia vaan Olivalle, halvaus on aina vakava juttu...

JON OLIVA Recovering From Stroke

July 27, 2016 ... om-stroke/

Jon Oliva, the American composer, multi-instrumentalist and singer who is best known as the founder of and keyboardist and lead vocalist for SAVATAGE, has revealed that he suffered a stroke back in April. He writes on his Facebook page: "It was not as serious as it could have been, but it did leave me with some physical recovery challenges often associated with strokes. Physical therapy and rehab sessions are getting me back to normal, and I am once again feeling confident about recording new music. Needless to say, such a traumatic health issue was a real epiphany for me....oh yeah!"

Despite his latest health issues, Jon says that he doesn't regret the way he has lived his life. He writes: "I lived the rock 'n' roll lifestyle since I was 18. It's all I knew and I enjoyed the ride very much. But there comes a time in everyone's life where you have to step back and make some life-changing decisions...which I have! So with a fresh and energized approach to my life, I can now focus on the release of a double-album of new Oliva music to be recorded and released very soon."

Oliva says that he has been putting together a collection of songs for the past year which he is "very proud of." He writes: "I think all SAVATAGE / JON OLIVA'S PAIN / TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA and DR. BUTCHER fans will really enjoy it. I believe it will be my finest effort yet and will feature all the different flavors of my musical influences and history. I promise not to let you down!"

Jon concludes by thanking his fans "from the bottom of my heart for your love and support over these many years together. Your desire for my music helps to fuel my soul and my love to create that music."

Shortly after SAVATAGE's reunion performance at last year's Wacken Open Air festival in Wacken, Germany, Oliva revealed that felt better than he had in twenty years because he had "stopped drinking and eating" in preparation for the concert. He explained: "It's my voice that's freaking me out, because, even when I was in my late 20s, early 30s, doing songs like '24 Hours Ago' were always really hard to do. And, of course, I didn't realize that it was all the drugs and alcohol I was doing. But, after doing that, getting my act together and stuff, singing '24 Hours Ago', it's actually easy now. [Laughs]"
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Re: Jon Oliva's Pain

Post by Jussi »

Hattu päästä:
R.I.P. Trans-Siberian Orchestra leader and former Savatage producer Paul O’Neill (1956-2017)

Sad news as Trans-Siberian Orchestra leader and former Savatage producer Paul O’Neill has passed away today at the age of 61 due to chronic illness. O’Neill was born on February 23, 1956 in New York City, New York, USA.

The following succinct message was posted on Trans-Siberian Orchestra‘s website less than an hour ago:

“The entire Trans-Siberian Orchestra family, past and present, is heartbroken to share the devastating news that Paul O’Neill has passed away from chronic illness.

He was our friend and our leader — a truly creative spirit and an altruistic soul. This is a profound and indescribable loss for us all.

We ask that you respect Paul’s family’s privacy now.

We will make additional announcements shortly.”

Wikipedia describes O’Neill‘s time with Savatage and Trans-Siberian Orchestra as follows (with slight edits):

“Among other bands, O’Neill helmed Aerosmith‘s Classics Live I and Classics Live II albums before beginning a fortuitous relationship with the band Savatage that led to conceptual pieces such as Hall of the Mountain King, Gutter Ballet, Streets: A Rock Opera and Dead Winter Dead. It also introduced him to Jon Oliva, Bob Kinkel and Al Pitrelli, as well as reconnecting him with legendary studio engineer Dave Wittman, who all became key original collaborators in O’Neill‘s grand vision – Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

“I wanted to take the very best of all the forms of music I grew up on and merge them into a new style,” O’Neill says. “Basically I was building on the work of everybody I worshipped: the rock opera parts from bands like the Who; the marriage of classical and rock from bands like Emerson, Lake & Palmer and Queen; the over-the-top light show from bands like Pink Floyd…I always wanted to do a full rock opera with a full progressive band and at least 24 lead singers.

O’Neill took the idea to Atlantic Records which, to his surprise, went for it and financed the creation of Romanov which was initially to be TSO’s first release. “We were very fortunate,” he says. “It was one of the only labels left that still did an “old school” kind of artist development.” My original concept was; “We were going to do six rock operas, a trilogy about Christmas and maybe one or two regular albums.”

However, when Romanov got temporarily put on the back burner, the first installment of the Christmas trilogy, Christmas Eve and Other Stories became TSO’s debut album. Fueled by the socially conscious single “Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24”, the album went double platinum. More platinum certifications followed with 1998’s The Christmas Attic, and the final installment of the Christmas trilogy, The Lost Christmas Eve in 2004. In the midst of completing the trilogy, TSO released their first non-holiday rock opera the gold certified Beethoven’s Last Night.

But TSO really cemented its following in concert. The group hit the road in 1999, beginning an annual November–December extravaganza that O’Neill takes pride in being “as over the top as we can make it.” “We have, two stages — with pyro, light and lasers — on both sides of the arena, as well as in the crowd and the best sound we can find…There’s no second-class seats at a Trans-Siberian Orchestra show. I want people to walk out of our shows speechless and…still not believing what they have seen was possible.”

“We spend a lot of time planning,” O’Neill confesses with a laugh, “and people are always telling me, ‘Paul, stop writing and start recording!’ It’s working out great, though. I feel lucky that it’s gone this long and that we get to do what we love for a living. The arts have incredible power, and with that comes incredible responsibility. Someone once said that if you want to change the world, don’t become a politician — write a book, write a great song. I believe in that, and that’s what Trans-Siberian Orchestra is about.”

“I’ve always believed that music has the power to transport and transform,” O’Neill explained. “The original concept of Trans-Siberian Orchestra was how to make music have the most emotional impact. We always try to write melodies that are so infectious they don’t need lyrics and lyrics so poetic that they don’t need a melody, but when you combine the two together they create an alloy where the sum of the parts is greater than the whole. Once those songs are woven together into a tapestry they create a story which gives each song a third dimension.”

“That was so much in the spirit of Trans-Siberian Orchestra“, O’Neill explains. “This is a group — a constantly morphing group — of extremely creative and talented individuals who are always trying to raise the bar of where a band can take its audience sonically, visually and emotionally. With that as our core ideal, the possibilities are endless.” ... 1956-2017/
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Re: Jon Oliva's Pain

Post by Jussi »

Onko TSO:lla jokin kirous; RIP Dave Z*
Esanssi SX-ketjussa wrote:Adrenaline Mob auto-onnettomuudessa, basisti David Zablidowsky kuollut. 3 muuta kriittisessä tilassa... ... n-florida/
*Zablidowsky ehti soittamaan myös Chris Cafferyn sooloilla, joista tämä ekan, 2004 Facesin kovin Savatage-henkinen Abandoned on ollut aivan helposti ylitse muiden:

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Re: Jon Oliva's Pain

Post by eddie666 »

Kun nyt näitä ikäviä uutisia lueskeli tästä ketjusta niin muistutti minua taas samalla miten julmetun hyvä bändi Savatage oli aikoinaan.

Hall of the Mountain King tuli siis kuunneltua. Käsittämättömän kova levy.. ja nimikkokappale suorastaan neroutta. Hehkutusta, kyllä. Mutta levy on kyllä hehkutuksen arvoin.

ps. Nimikkobiisin video kääpiöineeen toki on hieman .. ööö. hauska. 30 vuotta vanha levy jo. Onpas siitä aikaa :shock: .
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Post by Jussi »

Timo Tolkin kolmannen Avalon-albumin sessioista alkunsa saaneen Archon Angelin ensisinglellä soi paikoin turhankin tutut soundit:
Archon Angel was born from a meeting between producer/guitarist Aldo Lonobile (Secret Sphere) and former Savatage and Circle II Circle vocalist Zak Stevens during the making of Timo Tolkki's Avalon's 'Return To Eden' album, of which Aldo produced and played guitar and Zak did some guest lead vocals. The two soon started talking to Frontiers about the concept of working on new music together, which was met with great enthusiasm from the label. Aldo submitted to Zak some song ideas which were reminiscent of the classic Savatage sound, the two felt the magic was there, and thus no time was wasted in getting together to craft an absolutely striking metal album. Aldo was also helped in the songwriting department by some of the most outstanding writers and musicians from the Italian Rock scene including Simone Mularoni (of DGM and Sweet Oblivion) and Alessandro Del Vecchio (Aldo’s bandmate in Edge of Forever and of course Jorn, Hardline, etc.).

The album itself deals with a central character, the "Archon", who is a modern day angel figure. The idea goes back to the religious system of Gnosticism. The only difference is that we are immersing the Archon's story into modern-day times. The Archon is a medium who brings messages to God (Demiurge) from the people of Earth. The only real concept to the albums is that they simply follow the story and life and times of the modern day "Archon" and his life as he is called upon to protect the people of earth through frightening, turbulent times.

On the first single, vocalist Zak Stevens says, "The title track accompanies the Archon on his journey in transitioning from a successful businessman, who leads a life of excess and egoism, to a superhero who will clean up the city and eventually, save the world from self destruction. In the song, he is reminiscing about his past and the family he left behind, while summoning the power that called him to save the world to "hear him."

About the filming of the video, Zak continues, "After an arduous search for the perfect city and videographer, we settled on Pittsburgh, PA for my scenes. The band was filmed in Genova, Italy, near the famous Porto Antico. In Pittsburgh, we shot atop Mt. Washington, overlooking downtown, much like the Archon would be doing as he pondered his future. The weather didn't cooperate the first day as it was a rainy day. But one of the coolest moments occurred while filming the of the locations was right across from Heinz Field during a Pittsburgh Steelers [football] game. At the apex of the song, the crowd erupted in cheering at the perfect time, and people who were watching us film were caught by surprise. It really contributed to my overall mindset during that portion of the song. I felt like they were cheering for the Archon and it mimicked a true live performance. I can't wait to get out there and perform this song live with Archon Angel."

Archon Angel are currently working on booking some live shows to present the band in the live environment, but their exclusive live premiere will happen at the 2020 edition of the 70000 Tons Of Metal Cruise.

If Savatage are a favorite of yours, then Archon Angel's "Fallen" may well be your album of the year in 2020!

Vocals : Zak Stevens
Guitars : Aldo Lonobile
Bass: Yves Campion
Drums: Marco Lazzarini
Keyboards & Piano (Studio): Antonio Agate
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Re: Savatage-johdannaiset

Post by Jussi »

Toinen biisi AA:lta julki ja sehän on edellistä parempi, hyvältä kuulostaa:

edit V: heh, osuva nimimerkki tosiaan sulla :D ja ekalla sinkulla nimenomaan ne alleviivaukset tökkivät hieman, että "katsokaas kun tehdään 'Tagea" -vähempikin olisi riittänyt, Zakin äänen luomasta tunnelmasta puhumattakaan.
Last edited by Jussi on Sun Jan 26, 2020 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Savatage-johdannaiset

Post by Archon »

a superhero who will clean up the city and eventually, save the world from self destruction.

Minä tykkäsin molemmista biiseistä, joskin tuo eka ei tosiaan kaikin paikoin niin omaperäinen ollut. Ehdottomasti seurantaan tämä.
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Re: Jon Oliva's Pain

Post by Ice »

Ihan ok kuuloista tämä Archon Angel, katotaan sitten miten levymitassa toimii.
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Re: Savatage -asiaa

Post by Jussi »

Kotimainen tuore Savatage-cover, vassokuu:
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Re: Archon Angel

Post by Jussi »

14.4. tulee Archon Angel “II” -video alla kuulostaa samalta kuin debyyttikin, että Zak vetää italialaisten kirjoittamaa, aikakautensa Savatagen kuuloista matskua; mutta kyllä se minulle paremman (Olivan) puuttuessa kelpaa :)

1. Wake Of Emptiness
2. Avenging The Dragon
3. Fortress
4. Quicksand
5. Away From The Sun
6. Afterburn
7. I Will Return
8. One Last Reflection
9. Bulletproof
10. Shattered
11. Lake Of Fire


Vocals: Zak Stevens
Guitars: Aldo Lonobile
Bass: Nik Mazzucconi
Drums: Marco Lazzarini
Keyboards & Piano: Alessandro Del Vecchio
Synth & Orchestral Arrangements: Antonio Agate
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Re: Archon Angel

Post by Turpasauna »

Jussi wrote: Mon Feb 13, 2023 8:47 pm 14.4. tulee Archon Angel “II” -video alla kuulostaa samalta kuin debyyttikin, että Zak vetää italialaisten kirjoittamaa, aikakautensa Savatagen kuuloista matskua;
Ihan hyvin nuo italialaiset osaavat tehdä biisejä näille konkariartisteille. Ei tuo yhtään hullumpi biisi tämä Fortress ollut. Jos on enemmänkin tuontasoista matskua tulossa, niin pitää harkita että hommaisi platan. En kylläkään omista tuota ekaa Archon Angelia.
Toimiko tuo ensimmäinen levy kokonaisuudessaan miten hyvin?

Kaikki Savataget + Oliva:n soolot löytyvät hyllystä. Sen lisäksi Circle II Circlen 3 ekaa levyä + Doctor Butcher. Tämäntyylinen musa uppoaa aika hyvin..

Kyllähän Savatagelta löytyy useampikin täysiverinen klassikkoalbumi. Yksi ikisuosikeistani on "Streets: A Rock Opera". Aivan uskomattomia vetoja levyllä, kuten tämä "Tonight He Grins Again"
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