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Post by Suffeli »

Street Of Dreamsissä eniten ehkä juuri häiritsi se, että se olisi voinut olla mukana jo Illusionseilla. Minä kun en kaipaa vanhan toisintoa. Sinänsä piristävää, koska niin moni muu on vaatinut uutta AFD:ia :shock: Ei ymmärrä ei.

Mutta kuten kirjoitin, mielipiteeni on muuttunut noista kahdesta. Levy nyt vaan on niin timanttia, etten itse edes top 5:sta pysty latelemaan. Top 7:n nipin napin, silloinkin jää moni loistava biisi mainitsematta :D
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Post by Koskenkorvasieni »

Gunnarit ovat näköjään suunnittelemassa stadionkiertuetta ensi kesäksi. Yksi bändin kitaristeista, Robin Finck on tällä hetkellä Nine Inch Nailsin kanssa kiertueella ja tuolla heretodaygonetohellin foorumilla nyt jännitetään, että onko Robin mukana ensi kesän GNR-kiertueella. No ilmaisin siellä sitten mielipiteeni Robinista, että kaveri on Slashiin verrattuna pelkkä surkimus ja kuinka omaan korvaani on suorastaan tuskallista kuunnella Robinin totaalisesti raiskaavan ja teurastavan November Rainin ja Sweet Child O' Minen soolot ja mua ei haittaisi vaikka tyyppi häipyisi gunnareista pysyvästi. Nyt sitten väittävät etten tiedä mistään mitään, enkä ole oikea fani. Ihme porukkaa... :roll:
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Post by Jussi »

Todella mielenkiintoinen ja hyvältä vaikuttava muutos! Nyt eikun stadikan keikkaa odottelemaan, siellä olisin...
GUNS N' ROSES Joined By SIXX: A.M. Guitarist D.J. ASHBA - Mar. 21, 2009

GUNS N' ROSES has announce that guitarist and songwriter D.J. Ashba has joined the band for the upcoming tour.

Ashba, who officially replaces current NINE INCH NAILS guitarist Robin Finck, is best known as co-founder of hard rock bands SIXX: A.M. and BEAUTIFUL CREATURES.

"D.J.'s a gifted, energetic guitarist that GUNS N' ROSES is proud to have on board!!" exclaims Axl Rose. "We're very excited to have the opportunity to work together. GUNS' radar has silently been aware of D.J.'s presence for quite some time! He brings a fresh approach to our particular brand of mayhem expanding the tapestry of GUNS N' ROSES live. Once D.J.'s name was in the hat, the hat disappeared!!"

Ashba stated, "It's an honor to have the opportunity to be a part of a band that I have always loved and respected. I'm looking forward to working with Axl, who is not only one of the few great frontmen of our generation, but a true artist."

D.J. Ashba co-wrote and co-produced MÖTLEY CRÜE's latest album, "Saints of Los Angeles", which garnered a 2008 Grammy nomination for "Best Hard Rock Performance", as well as co-wrote and co-produced the SIXX: A.M. album "Heroin Diaries".

Robin "continues to be part of GN'R, by virtue of GUNS' history and his involvement in 'Chinese Democracy'," according to a press release.
The Heroin Diaries -soundtrack Sixxin kanssa on aika vakuuttavaa jälkeä tältä deejiiltä, kuten myös Mötiköiden Saints, jota oli kirjoittamassa.
Myöskin mukavan avointa infoa, näitä olisi ollut mukava lukea vuosien vaikenemisen aikanakin:
According to, the April 2009 issue of Bass Player magazine features an extensive interview with GUNS N' ROSES bassist Tommy Stinson in which he discusses the songwriting and recording process for "Chinese Democracy", among other topics. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.

Bass Player: How did you get the gig with GUNS N' ROSES?

Stinson: My friend Josh Freese was playing drums with the band. I ran into him in a Hollywood rehearsal hall, and he mentioned that Duff [McKagan] had quit, then he asked if I knew any bass players. We just kind or laughed about it, because it sounded like a funny thing for me to go audition for GUNS N' ROSES. GUNS N' ROSES were never my thing when the band first came out — they just weren't my style. I thought at least it would be fun to play with Josh. But I learned five or six songs for the audition. We basically just jammed, and it was pretty fun. They seriously needed a bass player, so they asked if I'd do it.

Bass Player: Why do you think you were the right guy for this gig?

Stinson: The only thing I could grasp at is that I have the kind of punk-rock attack that Duff did. He wasn't really a metal guy — he had punk roots. On the other hand. he's got sensibilities that are different from mine. I couldn't place exactly what they are — they're unique to each one of us.

Bass Player: Do you and Duff know each other?

Stinson: I met him a few years back, and he seemed like a really sweet guy. He didn't seem to have any issues with me — I don't think he wanted the gig anymore.

Bass Player: Describe the writing process for "Chinese Democracy".

Stinson: I came in around '98 when the band was still writing the record. It was Paul Tobias and Robin Finck on guitar, Dizzy Reed andChris Pitman on keys, Josh on drums and me. Everybody was just slowly starting to bring in ideas. We were set up at Rumbo Recorders, a big studio out in the middle of nowhere. A funny thing — Captain & Tennille own it. The whole thing looks like a boat. Anyway, we all just started hammering ideas out. Essentially it was eight guys collaborating. To be thrown into that kind of environment — eight guys from very different walks of life — was very crazy, I'd never worked in that way, but it was cool. There were guys who'd never ever made a record putting out their ideas. At first, those of us who'd actually made records thought their ideas sucked, but there were also some good ones.

Bass Player: How did you work out your ideas in a civil way?

Stinson: We each had to give reasons for liking or disliking something — you couldn't just be bull-headed. We had to function as a democracy or we'd end up hating each other. Collaborating was good for that. I think every one of us learned a lot from it.

Bass Player: "Street of Dreams" stands out for having a lot of cool, counter melodic bass work.

Stinson: That's definitely one of the places where I tried to play melodically. Axl (Rose) had the majority of that song written, and I brought in the bridge bass line and progression.

Bass Player: It has a few licks that seem to reference Duff's playing. Was that intentional?

Stinson: When I started hammering out those GUNS N' ROSES songs, I started to really dig into what Duff was doing — I really liked the stuff he played. I'd be lying if I said his playing didn't seep into my subconscious — like the way he uses grace notes. And I wouldn't be afraid to say I stole some of his stuff.

Bass Player: Josh Freese left GUNS N' ROSES in 2000, and was replaced by Brain Mantia. What did that mean for the tracks you recorded with Josh?

Stinson: I had to redo them. I probably ended up completely re-recording each part five or six times over the years. It was tough. What really happened was the record company stood back and left Axl to his own devices. Axl had all these ideas, and he needed somebody to help interpret what he wanted. He had to basically produce himself, and that's not what he went into this wanting to do. There are a lot of reasons the album took so long to make, but I think the record company really dropped the ball on this one.

Bass Player: What do you see as the root cause for that?

Stinson: I think everything changed when Geffen merged with Interscope. When that happened, Axl was told that [A&R executive] Jimmy Iovine would play more of a role in making the album happen. What Jimmy did instead was throw other people into the mix who weren't very capable.

Bass Player: What happened when producer Roy Thomas Baker was brought in?

Stinson: He wanted to re-record everything, because he felt he could get better tones. In my opinion, he wasted many years and many millions of dollars trying to get us better sounds that we could have addressed in the mixing stage. I'm not a proponent of his style of producing. I think Iovine put Roy Thomas Baker in the producer seat because he didn't think the raw sounds were good enough. Then Roy came in and would try every Marshall guitar amp in a five-state area to find just the right guitar tone. And he wanted to do that for every single part on the album.

For more of Stinson's interview with Bass Player, visit

Post by Suffeli »

Kohta mennään jo huhtikuussa, olisi kiva pikkuhiljaa saada faktaa pöytään rundista. Tosin mun tuurilla kiertävät Suomen tällä kertaa kaukaa :(
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Post by Jussi »

Lauri79 wrote:Mikähän on bändin kokoonpano tällä hetkellä?
(nickistä päätellen) kolomekymmenvuotias kossi eikä osaa googlea käyttää? mm. Wikipediaa päivitetään varsin taajaan, muutosten sattuessa:
W. Axl Rose [vocals] · Dizzy Reed [keyboards] · Tommy Stinson [bass] · Chris Pitman [keyboards] · Richard Fortus [guitar] · Bumblefoot [guitar] · Frank Ferrer [drums] · DJ Ashba [guitar]
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Post by Jussi »

Duff lähestyy kai seuraavaksi eurooppaa, kun jo kk:n päästä pääsemme Loadedin keikkaa näkemään. Tyly sanoa, kun omillaan seisova sivuprojekti ja kaikkea, mutta kyllä mie toivon että So Fine (josko nyt sopii punkrock-linjaan), Attitude (se ainakin sopii!), It's So Easy tai Dust n' Bones(!!) kuuluisivat settiin, kuten näemmä osittain ovatkin. Mahtavaa! I Wanna Be Your Dog vielä encoressa niin meitsi sekoaa. Toki tuo juttu on viime syksyltä, kun Sick -albumi ei ollut vielä ulkona..
DUFF MCKAGAN Rocking The South - Apr. 30, 2009

VELVET REVOLVER/ex-GUNS N' ROSES bassist Duff McKagan has penned the latest installment of his weeky column, which appears every Thursday on Reverb at An excerpt follows below.

"I am back out on the road with LOADED. This is our first-ever foray into the U.S. rock marketplace. A band like LOADED is perhaps a risky endeavor, considering the more mainstream leanings of the American ear.

"East and West Coast cities (Seattle, New York, Boston, L.A.) are places that harbor a music scene that allows for all types of bands to come through and find an audience. In the true spirit of LOADED, however, we did things the hard way and started our tour last week in the South. Huh?

"Let me preface this subject by saying that I think the southern part of the U.S. is stunningly beautiful and its people extremely charming, affable, and friendly. The South, however, is a place a rock band might come after they have 'broken' a bit worldwide, or at least nationwide. I'm not sure why, but the South is often the last place record companies try to market a band — perhaps because it is more spread out and rural, and hence it's tougher to spread the 'word.'"

Read McKagan's entire column at
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Post by Jussi »

Ja juuri sitähän sitä torstaina Teatrialla saatiin. Sellaisia mietteitä ainakin, että aivan hyvä keikka se oli, vaikkei väkeä ollut pikkupuolellakaan mahdottomasti. New Rosekin tuli (ilman helsingissä sen vetänyttä Mike Monroeta) bonuksena yllämainittujen lisäksi! :D sekä krapula kaupan päälle eiliseksi.

Oudosti pari parempaa Loaded-biisiä jäi soittamatta, mutta kyllähän So Fine & Dust n' Bones olivat uskomattomia kuulla 1. kertaa livenä, lähes ilmestymisestään asti itelleni tärkeinä biiseinä, kuten myös It's So Easy. Welcome To The Jungleakin soitettiin yleisönkusetusintron verran, heh.

Joissain biiseissä vaihtoivat näöltään 30 Seconds To Marsiin kuuluvan basistin kanssa soittimia, ja kyllä mr McKagan oli jotenkin sopivampaa nähdä sellaisen kanssa, vaikka kyllähän vanha multi-instrumentalisti rytmiskebansakin klaarasi.

Attitudekin tuli toisesta TSI-biisistä huolimatta. Mainio I Wanna Be Your Dog sisälsi todella pitkänä jamitteluna keskivaiheilla vaikka mitä, aikuisrokin klassikosta AC/DC:n TNT:hen ja ties mihin, kaikkien muidenkin jäsenten laulamana. Hauskaa näytti olevan. Melkein kaksituntinen keikka 23-01. Ehdottomasti lipunhinnan arvoinen.
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Post by Jussi »

meridian wrote:Tämä kysymys kuulunee tänne.

Luin jostain nettikeskustelusta että Sebastian Bach on valittu Velvet Revolverin uudeksi laulajaksi. Nopeasti googlettamalla tietoa ei aiheesta näkynyt. Uutinen lienee sammakko?
Pikemminkin tänne.

Mutta luotettavan oloinen lähde. Näh, mie luulen että tuossa on vain kyse siitä kun testasivat Sebaa ennen Contraband-albumiakin demovaiheessa, joka dumattiin "Skid Rosesina" kuten Slash sitä kirjassaan kutsui. Sääli homma, kelpaisi kyllä, edes tässäkin vaiheessa minulle. Kaikista parastahan olisi tietysti toinen yritelmänsä, Izzy toisessa kitarassa & leadvokaaleissa!
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Koskenkorvasieni »

Nyt kun Steven Tyler ei kuulemma ole enää Aerosmithissä, rupesin herkuttelemaan ajatuksella, että Tyleristä tulisi Velvet Revolverin uusi vokalisti. Sillä kokoonpanolla bändi voisi vihdoin nousta todella isoksi...
Nalle Österman

Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Nalle Österman »

Koskenkorvasieni wrote:Nyt kun Steven Tyler ei kuulemma ole enää Aerosmithissä, rupesin herkuttelemaan ajatuksella, että Tyleristä tulisi Velvet Revolverin uusi vokalisti. Sillä kokoonpanolla bändi voisi vihdoin nousta todella isoksi...
Mä herkuttelin puolestaan kelalla, että Makkonen siirtyisi Aerosmithin riveihin...
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Koskenkorvasieni »

Slash, Duff McKagan, Steven Adler, Dave Navarro ja Chester Bennington esittivät yhdessä Paradise Cityn toissapäivänä Los Angelesin Avalon-teatterissa hyväntekeväisyystapahtumassa. Aika makeeta nähdä Slashin, Duffin ja Stevenin taas soittavan kimpassa. 8) Adlerhan on nyt ollut kuivilla jo yli vuoden, toivottavasti pysyykin.
Duff McKagan wrote:The Making of a Rhythm Section
By Duff McKagan
Wednesday, Nov. 25 2009

Last weekend, I played a benefit show in L.A. to raise money for teenage runaways in Hollywood. LAYN (Los Angeles Youth Network) is a nonprofit that provides housing and vocational training, along with emotional support, for some of our young who have perhaps slipped through the cracks and ended up on these hardened streets.

The thing that was exceptionally different at this show, for me at least, was that Slash and I would be playing with original Guns N' Roses drummer Steven Adler for the first time since our Appetite for Destruction days . . . a long fucking time ago indeed! This whole mini-reunion got me thinking back to a time when life just seemed a bit simpler, and my goals, while grandiose, all seemed in some way to be a destiny of sorts.

After first moving to Hollywood in the fall of 1984, I was pretty much left to my own devices to find other musicians to play with, not to mention just simply to make a friend or two in this new and strange place. The luster of that year's Summer Olympics had worn off, and the police presence had virtually vacated Hollywood proper. The floodgates were wide open for criminals and thugs and general unwatched anarchy. This was my new world . . . alone.

For this story's sake, I will skip through the first job I landed down there, working for "the Hungarians," a tight-knit Mafioso group that somehow sensed that I would hustle around town for them and keep all my errands a secret. To this day, I have told not a soul what I did for them. I like to breathe. No, this story should begin after I first met Steven and Slash through a newspaper ad just a few weeks after I arrived there.

It should be known that the bands I'd played in to this point were bands like the Fastbacks, the Fartz, and Ten Minute Warning--alternative music, I suppose, but years before the term "alternative" was actually used, and subsequently OVERused!

Meeting two long-hair rockers from Hollywood was culture shock for me, as I am quite sure that my short blue hair and long pimp coat was a shock for them. But an almost instant alliance was made. I think that we were SO different from each other that our minds were open enough to actually get turned on to to each others' trains of musical thought. One thing DID have to change for me, however, and that was Steven's double-kick drum kit with WAY too may rack-toms and cymbals. Lucky for me, when we formed GN'R a few months later, Izzy Stradlin shared my horror of this "hesher" drum kit. We started our plot to hide parts of his drum kit. Every time poor Steven would show up to band practice, his kit was progressively smaller, until he was left with only the bare essentials--what would become his signature "thing" and influence modern rock drummers a few short years later . . . a GROOVE!

But I hadn't really found my "thing" on bass yet either. It seemed that the timing for Steven and I to sort of meld as an actual rhythm section was perfect. Listening and playing along with things like Cameo, Prince, and Sly and the Family Stone became our gauge and music school. Hours before the rest of the band would come for rehearsal, Steven and I would be there, mesmerized by what seemed to us at the time a visionary and funky quest. We became close as brothers in that first year of writing and rehearsing and playing shitty little dive-clubs.

That mini-era in L.A. music spawned another really interesting rhythm duo in Jane's Addiction's Eric Avery and Stephen Perkins. I suppose competition makes for a better "product," and Adler and I would go watch them play whenever possible. It made us better. I think we made them better, too. Neither band was too far removed from the influence of Led Zeppelin, and when you are looking at John Paul Jones and John Bonham as a benchmark (no mater how unattainable), you will push yourself as hard and far as you possibly can.

When Steven came to rehearsal last Friday for that benefit show, the scars of his hard-lived life faded instantly, replaced by his kid-like grin. The drugs over the years had done every diabolical trick they could, but they did not steal his talent and backbeat. It was a pleasure and an honor to play with my brother again after a 20-year absence. He absolutely killed it last Sunday night at the Avalon Theater in Hollywood. I pulled for him. Slash pulled for him. The whole audience pulled for him. In that short instant, three teenage runaways from the past paid it forward to a wide-eyed audience of kids who could see what can be achieved when the strains of life are eased and replaced by dreams and hope. ... ection.php
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Koskenkorvasieni »

Huomenna olis Guns N' Rosesin 2009-10 kiertueen eka keikka Taipeissa, Taiwanissa ja myös DJ Ashban eka keikka bändin riveissä...
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Jussi »

Johan se on aikakin! Mielenkiintoista nähdä myös, onko settilista muuttunut aiemmista ennen CD:n julkaisua tehtyjen rundien aika homogeenisistä mihinkään suuntaan.

Ja jospa se karavaani joskus tuolta suuntaisi pohjois-eurooppaankin vielä...
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Shadowplay »

Axl Rose tappeli lentokentällä - maailmankiertueen aloitus vaarassa

Guns N`Rosesin johtohahmon Axl Rose maine kuumakallena kasvaa. Live Dailyn tietojen mukaan Rose joutui käsirysyyn lehtikuvaajan kanssa Los Angelesin kansainvälisellä lentokentällä aiemmin tällä viikolla. Välikohtaus sattui juuri ennen kun Rose oli nousemassa Taiwanin Taipeihin matkaavaan koneeseen.

Guns N`Rosesin maailmankiertueen on määrä alkaa lauantaina Taipeissa. Muu bändi - Tommy Stinson, Dizzy Reed, Ron Thal, Chris Pittman, Frank Ferrer, Richard Fortus ja DJ Ashba - lensivät keikalle ilman laulajaa. Rose saapui perässä ja uhkasi perua kiertueen avauskonsertin. Viimeisten tietojen mukaan kiertue kuitenkin alkaa sovitusti lauantaina.

Guns N`Rosesin maailmankiertue siirtyy Taiwanin jälkeen Japaniin ja Etelä-Koreaan, jonka jälkeen Kanadan osuuden vuoro.
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Koskenkorvasieni »

gunnareiden facebook-sivut wrote:Lead singer of Guns N' Roses unhurt in encounter with unruly photographers

(Los Angeles) December 10, 2009 –
Axl Rose, lead singer for the legendary rock group Guns N' Roses, was unhurt last evening when he was accosted by an unruly group of paparazzi at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).

At the time of the incident, Mr. Rose was en-route to Taipei, Taiwan, to kick-off Guns N' Roses’ tour of Southeast Asia including shows in Taiwan, Korea and Japan.

Mr. Rose, who was about to enter a security checkpoint at LAX when the altercation took place, was approached by a group of unchecked and unruly photographers who became aggressive with the singer and female members of the traveling group.

Mr. Rose was not injured during the unprovoked attack and was able to board his flight without further incident.
Livedailyn bullshittiin ei kannata luottaa. Ja se keikka on tänään, ei huomenna..

Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Suffeli »

Ja aivan loistosettiä :burn:

Mä en malta odottaa jotain matskua keikalta! Ja nyt Suomeen ja sassiin...SAUNAAAAA...tai JOKU :wink: !!!!
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Koskenkorvasieni »

heretodaygonetohell.comin webmaster Jarmo Luukkonen oli itse paikalla tuolla keikalla, tässä settilista suoraan hänen sivuiltaan:

1. Chinese Democracy
2. Welcome To The Jungle
3. It's So Easy
4. Mr. Brownstone
5. If The World
6. Live And Let Die
*Richard Fortus Solo (James Bond Theme)
7. There Was A Time
*Frank Ferrer Drum Solo
*Tommy Stinson Bass Solo
8. My Generation (Stinson vocals)
9. I.R.S.
10. Rocket Queen
*Dizzy Reed Piano Solo
11. Street Of Dreams
*DJ Ashba Solo
12. Sweet Child O' Mine
*Band Jam
13. November Rain
*Ron Thal Solo (Pink Panther)
14. You Could Be Mine
15. Shackler's Revenge
16. Knockin' On Heaven's Door

**--- ENCORE ---**

17. This I Love
*Band Jam
18. Better
19. Paradise City

Paradise City-klippi

Axl vuosimallia 2009
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Jussi »

Oi saakeli, This I Love! Ja Scraped on scrapattu, ed. sivun listaan verrattuna, hyvä.

Muutoin tuosta taitaa olla ne medley-loput mainitsematta; on todella hienoa jos Prostitue & My Michellekin ovat päässeet soimaan. Mutta ei Nightrainia? Maailman paras biisi :(

Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Suffeli »

Olipas loistava pikku pätkä Paradise Citystä! Mä olen ihan täpinöissäni :shock: Ja hienosti jaksaa bändi edelleen kiinnostaa jengiä.

Nyt oikeesti peukut ja varpaat pystyyn, että päästään myös täällä näkemään bändi livenä. Enpä olis joskus uskonut, että mä näin kovasti innostun. Vaikka bändi on aina ollutkin :rock: ja Axl :excel:

Lisää pätkiä odotellessa :drool:
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Jussi »

Ei tuosta piippuhyllykuvauksesta nyt tuon vertaa saa irti, paitsi että DJ Ashba näyttää revittelevän huomattavasti paremmin kuin nämä seisoskelleet edeltäjänsä. Hyvää oppia saanut itseltään Nikki Sixxiltä.

Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Suffeli »

On tää netti sitten ihana! Nyt on jo koko keikka kuuntelussa...laadussa ei tosin kehumista mutta kelpaa tähän hätään :D
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Koskenkorvasieni »

Last edited by Koskenkorvasieni on Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Jussi »

Koskenkorvasieni wrote:WTTJ@Taipei
"December" Rain@Taipei
No niin, nämä alkavat olla jo melkoisen nostattavaa. Hitto kun tuon Welcome To The Junglen aloituksen pääsisi itsekin todistamaan, katsokaa tuota tunnelmaa, ihan sama ketä siellä soittaa -sitä et varmasti ajattele lavan edessä meuhkatessa!

Onko muuten Ron Thal tuon mustan kaksikaulaisen kanssa edellämainitussa? Ja Izzy Stradlin'-lookalike Richard Fortus izzymäisen ison, punaisen kitaran kanssa, kuten minusta näyttäisi. DJ Ashban tunnistaa sentään kaukaisesta kuvakulmastakin hattupäisenä + les paulin kanssa.

Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Suffeli »

Ei helkkari, tajusin just että tottakai Gunnarit nyt Suomeenkin tulevat! Jos ei nyt mun takia niin sitten vaikka Jarmon ja Kimin takia :D Ja Youtubesta löytyy jo aivan loistavia pätkiä Taipein keikalta! ja nyt vaan Seoulin pätkiä odottelemaan :D
Pagan Fears
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Pagan Fears »

Koskenkorvasieni wrote:WTTJ@Taipei
Jostain syystä nauratti perkeleesti, härski vanha ukko. :D Ääni ja ulkomuoto=omituinen yhdistelmä.
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